Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells? The Surprising Truth!

As a dog owner, you should know whether it is safe to eat egg shells for your furry friend or not. While egg shells are a tasty food and do have nutritional benefits when eaten in limited quantities and prepared properly. In this blog, we are going to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of feeding egg shells and how to prepare them safely and will also answer other questions related to dogs and eggs.

Are Egg Shells Edible?

Egg shells can be fully eaten by both humans and dogs, as they are a rich source of calcium and other minerals, making them a valuable dietary supplement. Most people throw away the egg shells after cooking, that is right! but if they are cleaned and prepared properly, they can be eaten without any harmful effects.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells?

Can Dogs Really Eat Egg shells

Yes, dogs can eat Egg shells in limited quantity but the thing is that they should be prepared in a proper way. And the Egg shells are not only safe for dogs but if given in the right quantity, they can also provide many potential benefits. But when the correct preparation methods are followed then it reduces the risk.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells Raw or Cooked?

When you have taken the decision that you have to feed egg shells to your dog, it is very important that you have complete information about raw egg shells and cooked egg shells.

  • Raw Eggshells: It is, however, not suggested to feed the dogs on raw eggshells since they act as indigestible components in the digestive system of the dog. The raw shell of the egg may also present threats such as crushing or actual cuts on the inside of the body or clogging.
  • Cooked Eggshells: When the Eggshells are cooked, it will become soft and your dog will be able to digest it. And due to the cooking of the Eggshells, its structure will also become soft and your dog will not have any problem in digesting it and he will be able to take benefit of all its nutrients.

How to Safely Prepare Eggshells for Dogs?

How to prepare eggshells so that they become edible for your dog, we have explained it in detail step by step here:

  1. Cleaning: You should wash the eggshell completely with water to remove any remaining egg parts
  2. Drying: Spread the egg shells on a baking sheet and cook on a 250°F (120°C) temperature for about 30 minutes until they are completely dried and crumbly.
  3. Grinding: Once cooled, grind the eggshells into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or blender.
  4. Portion Control: The recommended daily serving of eggshell powder for dogs is 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight. Sprinkle the powder over their regular food.

Benefits of Eggshells for Dogs

There is some potential risk in eating egg shells, but if they are given in the right quantity and after proper preparation then it is also beneficial for your dog, so what benefits it can have, we have explained in detail here:

  1. Calcium Boost: Eggshells are a very good source of calcium, and are essential for building strong bones and teeth in dogs. Because problems like bone deformity and fractures can still occur due to calcium deficiency
  2. Improved Dental Health: Abrasive textures in eggshells can help remove dirt and tartar that form on dogs’ teeth, allowing the teeth to be cleaned more effectively.
  3. Digestive Aid: Eggshells also contain some amount of other minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium, which helps in improving the health of your dog’s digestive system and absorbing nutrients.

Risks of Feeding Dogs Eggshells

So now just like egg shells have some benefits, similarly when we are feeding it to our dog, we should also be aware of its risks.

  1. Digestive Issues: Some dogs may have trouble digesting egg shells, which can lead to stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  2. Internal Injuries: If the egg shells are not properly ground or powdered before feeding, they can cause internal injuries or obstructions
  3. Bacterial Contamination: Feeding raw egg shells can also cause harmful bacteria such as Salmonella to your dog if they are not cleaned and cooked properly.
  4. Allergic Reactions: It is seen in very rare cases that some dogs are allergic to egg shells, due to which they can have skin irritation, scratching, or breathing issues.

Can Dogs Eat Whole Eggs?

Can Dogs Eat Whole Eggs

Yes, dogs can eat whole eggs, including yolk and white. It is a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for dogs. However, bear in mind that it is essential to feed it in quantity and as part of a balanced diet; otherwise, eating too much of it can lead to overweight and other health issues.

A veterinarian recommends that medium-sized dogs be fed one egg every day. Smaller breeds should have less of it, whilst larger breeds may be able to handle more. However, it is best to obtain expert guidance from your veterinarian because your dog’s food can be affected by a variety of circumstances, including his level of activity and health

How Many Eggs Can a Dog Eat in a Week?

The amount of eggs a dog may safely take in a week is determined by several factors, including its size, age, activity level, and overall diet. As a general rule, most experts advise limiting egg consumption to one or two eggs per week for small to medium-sized dogs and three or four eggs per week for bigger breeds.


While eggshells can provide some nutritional advantages for dogs, it is critical to exercise caution and use correct preparation techniques to reduce possible dangers. Eggshells should be carefully cleansed, boiled, and crushed into a fine powder before being added to your dog’s meal in moderation.

If you have any worries or see any harmful responses after feeding eggshells to your dog, you should stop using them and visit your veterinarian. Remember that each dog is unique, and what works for one may not be appropriate for another. With careful feeding and monitoring, eggshells may be a safe and perhaps helpful supplement to your pet’s diet.

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